Living Sea Images Marine Life Photography

Next: 036U09
Image ID: 023U14, Spotted Rose Anemone
Urticina lofotensis

A close view of the mouth of a Spotted Rose Anemone, pursing its "lips.".

Photographed at Guillemont Pinnacle, Point Lobos in Central California on May 29, 1984 with a Nikonos IV-A Camera with 35mm lens, 2:1 Macro Extension Tube, Oceanic 2002 strobe, Kodachrome 64 fil

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Additional Information About this Photograph
I made this image early in my underwater photographic career, and have never quite replicated the lighting. I was using a single strobe light at the time, and that's certainly part of the reason. I now routinely use two. The one light was placed directly above the anemone, minimizing shadows and getting the reds to almost glow. Spotted Rose Anemones are fairly common, and finding one that is "pouting" like this is possible for a determined, observant diver. I've tried putting one strobe on the anemone's column, to light it from inside like a Japanese lantern and intensify the glow. I think this might eventually work, but so far this image is one of my favorites. Prizes: This photo won Honorable Mention for Close-Up Slides in the 1989 Underwater Photographic Society contest at Seaviews, 1989.
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