Living Sea Images Marine Life Photography

Next: 068U30
Image ID: 057U12, Giant Green Anemone
Anthopleura xanthogrammica

Side view of a Giant Green Anemone, evenly lit from above.

Photographed at Point Lobos in Central California on April 30, 1986 with a Nikonos III Camera with 35mm lens, 3:1 Macro extension Tube, Oceanic 2002 strobe. Kodachrome 64 film

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Additional Information About this Photograph
I remember paddling my kayak to a secluded beach for a picnic lunch with my dive buddy. We passed juvenile harbor?? seals sunning themselves on rocks. The water was calm and we were able to dive around an exposed rock that rises from a sand bottom at 90\' to about 30\' above the surface. I found this anemone? there, stretching its tentacles, lined with nematocysts (stinging cells), into the water for a tasty morsel. That day was just a few years after I began doing underwater photography. When I saw the processed slide, I was very pleased that my experiments with lighting the anemone? from above had produced a good result. --MS
Additional Information About the Natural History of this Subject
Giant Green anemones can sometimes grow as large as 10 inches in diameter.
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